Freedom through Faith

“Out of my distress I called on the Lord; the Lord answered me and set me free.” ~Psalm 118:5

I have come to a standstill with the Kingship and Ketosis portion of my challenge. The reason being: I did not plan the 30 days thoroughly, and therefore was searching for scripture without any plan. I was creating content on the day of posting, and I began to feel that my content was lacking structure and cohesion. Much like my ketogenic diet – a lack of proper planning had led me to abuse my body, and forget the habits the developed over my fast. Also God said Prayer and Fasting, not Keto. Freedom is truly found when you follow God’s scriptures!

So yesterday, I prayed to God and asked Him for deliverance from my mindset. he revealed to me that I am free in Christ, and by setting these challenges in order to produce content, I am trying to create my own life and path, instead of going along with the opportunities that He will place in my path.

As I want to live a life filled with no expectations from the world but expectations from God to provide for me, I am going to stop my challenges and start depending on the Lord to give me insight into what I should be writing on a daily basis – without restricting Him to a certain topic. I believe this freedom to allow God to fully express Himself through me, will lead to more gratifying results than me forcing to express God through a topic.

As humans, we have a tendency to categorise our lives. Oh, this is personal, oh this is professional. This is for Morning, this is for Monday, and this is Mine. These categories and pigeon holes help us to create order out of chaos, and it works swimmingly for some people – however not everyone can employ such a system over their lives.

I live a life where my system is created and used in such a strategic manner – but I am going to break out of that system and truly live in the moment, and solely on the provision of God. However, depending on God is a two way street – He tells us to:

“Trust in the LORD and do good; dwell in the land and cultivate faithfulness. Delight yourself in the LORD,and He will give you the desires of your heart.Commit your way to the LORD; trust in Him, and He will do it.” ~ Psalm 37:3-5

The men of the Old Testament – and the New, waited and hoped in God to provide them with answers and a way, and I will do the same.

This is my resolve:

I will love God with all my heart, soul, mind and strength, and I will love my neighbour as myself. Whilst trusting in God, doing good, living in the land, cultivating faithfulness, delighting myself in God, and committing my ways to Him. Where He calls me to go, I will go. I will be lead by him, instead of leading Him down my path and asking Him to bless it.

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